How to fix our soaring violent crime problem

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We know that all things work together for the good in the end. But in the meantime, it seems like the bad news just keeps on coming. The latest comes courtesy of the FBI, whose data inform us that 2020 saw one of the most…

Episode 19: Senator Tuberville

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In this episode, Dr. Carson sits down with Senator Tuberville (R-AL) to discuss Title IX, transgender athletes, and the defense of women in sports today.

Episode 18: Secretary Zinke

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Dr. Carson sits down with former Department of Interior Secretary, Ryan Zinke, to discuss the importance of advancing our nation’s founding principles like faith, liberty, community, and life.

Episode 17: Terrence Schilling

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In this episode of Cornerstone Conversations, Dr. Carson sits down with Terrence Schilling of the American Principles Project, as they discuss the important role the traditional family plays in American society.

Episode 16: Robin John

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In this episode of Cornerstone Conversation Dr. Carson sits down with Robin John, ceo and founder of Eventide Asset Management, to discuss how to honor God through value-based investing.

Episode 15: Daniel Idfrense

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Dr. Carson and Daniel Idfrense sit down to discuss cultural “wokeness” and the importance of rejecting group think and embracing the individual in todays society.

More spending won’t reduce racial poverty divides

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The Biden administration and its allies, continuing their claims that anything and everything under the sun is racist, have a new target: infrastructure. We are told our very highways themselves are racist and, guess what, more government spending is the apparent solution

Democrats keep pushing policies that make it easy for inflation to catch fire

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On Nov. 10, government statistics confirmed what most people already knew from their daily lives: prices are rising. They are rising fast and rising everywhere. The consumer price index for October, the government’s measure of how much people pay for various goods and services, rose…

Biden’s environmentalism is pummeling the nation

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President Joe Biden inherited a great gift from the Trump administration: energy independence. The benefits cannot be overstated: Cheap, reliable energy is key to economic growth and broad-based prosperity. Yet Biden has squandered this advantage. Retail gas prices are up 55.95% from last year, with…

Early COVID-19 treatments should not be ignored

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COVID-19 vaccines are not as effective in preventing infection and transmission as initially thought. Since we will have to live with COVID-19, it is vital that we stop suppressing the discussion of early treatment options for all patients, regardless of whether they have been vaccinated…

​Reinforcing the private space against political acrimony

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Democratic Arizona Sen. Kyrsten Sinema recently went to use the restroom. Nothing odd about that. Except, however, that an activist had different ideas. Said activist decided to harass Sinema as she walked from a university classroom to the restroom

Dr. Ben Carson: Faith in American Freedom

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At a news conference in 1986 , then-President Ronald Reagan quipped, “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’” Sadly, that is more true today than ever before

​Taking on the far-left ideologues

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Many of us are alarmed by the rapid pace at which our educational institutions are being radicalized. Extreme progressive ideologies, including critical race theory (CRT), seek to transform every aspect of society according to dystopian narratives. Those who promote these efforts show not only a…

​Biden must not abandon Afghanistan’s Christian population

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Following the fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban, any semblance of pluralism, including religious tolerance, has fallen as well. We must not forget the Christian population of Afghanistan. The actual number of Christians is difficult to determine, as there are no official churches and Christians…

Biden Has Effectively Opened Our Border. He Is Once Again Vindicating Trump | Opinion

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President Biden has been caught flat footed again in yet another avoidable disaster. Early in his term, Biden and members of his administration failed to comprehend that their rollback of President Trump’s successful border policies were incentivizing an unprecedented surge of illegal immigrants at the…

Evelyn Lim: Despite Trafficking Crisis, Biden’s Policies Encourage Minors to Cross Southern Border Alone

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Customs and Border Protection encountered 212,672 individuals on the southern border in July, the highest number in 21 years and the second-highest number ever recorded. Of those, 18,962 were unaccompanied minors, which is another record. These increases are striking because this is usually a slow…

Eric Blankenstein: A Trillion Here, and a Trillion There . . .

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The first step to solving any problem is admitting that you have one. And the United States definitely has a spending problem. Sadly, no one in Washington wants to admit it. But refusing to accept reality does not make it go away; reality has a…

Dr. Ben Carson: Let’s make it easier to be a kid in America

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As a father and grandfather, my heart breaks when I think about what it’s like to be a kid in America today. If you’re a white kid, you’re a racist. If you’re a black kid, the deck has already been stacked against you because of…

Dr. Ben Carson: Taking on the heirs to Saul Alinsky

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Saul Alinsky most likely was not a good person. He praised Lucifer in his seminal work Rules for Radicals. Still, the iconic leftist’s brand of revolutionary activism continues to influence even though he died nearly 50 years ago. Although many are aware of Alinsky’s ideas,…

Dr. Ben Carson: Does The Definition Of ‘Fascism’ Apply To The Biden Administration?

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Here is a challenge: Define fascism without reference to a historical event or proper noun. It’s harder than it seems. Most people associate fascism with European dictatorships of the 1920s and ’30s. That is with good reason: those were the first fascist regimes

Dr. Ben Carson: ​​The infrastructure problem

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The Senate is moving to pass a massive infrastructure spending bill. One reason that the bill has garnered so much attention from politicians is that it’s something both Democrats and Republicans have sought to get done

Dr. Ben Carson: Putting Young Americans on Path From Foster Care to Self-Sufficiency

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When we provide better opportunities, we get better outcomes. This maxim is proving true again in improving the futures of young Americans who “age out” of foster care. We know that

Dr. Ben Carson: ‘Transhumanism,’ the potential dark side of technological advancement

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Throughout history, the advance mankind has been inextricably intertwined with the advance of technology. Technological advancement has allowed us to reduce poverty and hunger, save