Leftists Hate Natural Law Because It’s The Only True Bulwark Against Tyranny

Politico Reporter Heidi Przybyla made an unfair attack on people of faith — and also got wrong the entire foundation of our country.

Free Speech and Political Persecution at the Supreme Court

On Monday, the Supreme Court heard arguments for NRA v. Vullo, a case in which the National Rifle Association (NRA) alleged that its free speech rights were violated, and it was being targeted for its political views. As a background to the NRA’s claim,…

Dr. Ben Carson’s Little Patriots Curriculum Available for Students at Lake Country Classical Academy


MILWAUKEE, WI – Today the American Cornerstone Institute (ACI) announced its Little Patriots Program is being used as supplemental education material for students at Lake Country Classical Academy. Read More

Black voters are like every other voter: Dr. Ben Carson

Former HUD Secretary Dr. Ben Carson discusses why minority voters are shifting their support away from President Biden to former President Trump on ‘Jesse Watters Primetime.’

America’s legitimacy crisis

I recently addressed an enthusiastic crowd at the Conservative Political Action Conference on a concern that has been growing in my mind. I call it the “crisis of legitimacy,” and by that, I mean the growing distrust of people in our legacy institutions. Institutions such…

The Supreme Court’s Ruling on the 14th Amendment Challenge to President Trump’s eligibility to appear on state ballots

On Monday, the Supreme Court handed down a unanimous ruling in Trump v. Anderson that overturned the Colorado Supreme Court and rejected Colorado’s attempts to remove former President Donald Trump’s ability to appear on their state’s ballot for the presidential primary. The 14th Amendment…

Merchant Category Codes—The Next Second Amendment Battlefield

The fight over new Merchant Category Codes (“MCC”) specific to firearms businesses has been in the headlines quite a bit over the last few months.  This Common Sense Paper will explain the issues surrounding MCCs and put these issues in the context of the broader…

An America First Foreign Aid Policy

The United States has often been described as a world power, a shining city on a hill, and a global leader in advancing democracy across the globe. Many phrases are used to illustrate our country’s prominence on the international stage, but when it comes to…

The Biden DOJ continues its war on Christian Americans


Since the moment he took office, Joe Biden and his administration have engaged in a full-fledged campaign to weaponize the federal government against their political opponents and people of faith.

Dr. Ben Carson and TPUSA Team Up Again to Educate Young Conservatives on Federal Service

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The American Cornerstone Institute (ACI), founded by Dr. Ben Carson has joined forces with, and Turning Point USA (TPUSA) to empower the next generation of conservative leaders and educate them on the importance of federal service and the Executive Branch on college campuses across the…

Dr. Ben Carson’s Little Patriot’s Curriculum Available for Students at McKinney Christian Academy

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The American Cornerstone Institute (ACI) announced its Little Patriots Program will now be available as supplemental education material for students at McKinney Christian Academy. Read More

The Crisis on our Southern Border

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Texas Governor Greg Abbott made headlines with a letter condemning the federal government for its handling of the illegal immigration crisis at our southern border. He stated that since President Biden’s inauguration, over 6 million illegal immigrants have entered the United States—exceeding the population of…

High Crimes and Misdemeanors

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The U.S. Constitution lays out our system of checks and balances among the branches of the federal government as a way to ensure no branch would become too powerful.  The ultimate check on the executive branch is the impeachment clause in Article II, Section 4:…

Dr. Ben Carson on Preserving America’s Values

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Craig DeRoche sits down with the esteemed Dr. Ben Carson, where they delve into crucial topics surrounding faith, family values, and education. Want to learn how you can get involved and make your own impact on the national dialogue? Stay tuned to hear how ACI…

Nevada Caucus, Primary or Both? What It Means for Candidates Vying for Golden Delegates in the Silver State

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Most states have either a primary or a caucus, as a method of nominating various party candidates for the general election. This year Nevada had some voters scratching their heads based on new election rules in the state. The state’s Republican party will hold a…

The Supreme Court Hears a New Second Amendment Case

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In terms of constitutional law, jurisprudence regarding the Second Amendment and the right to keep and bear arms is still relatively new. In 2008, the Supreme Court decided District of Columbia v. Heller, in which it decided that the Second Amendment did, in fact, protect…

Don’t tear down George Washington

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A shocking 40% of Democrats recently approved a proposal in New York City that would tear down statues of our first president, George Washington, according to Rasmussen Reports.

Keep the Razor Wire Up on the Texas Border

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There is a crisis at our southern border due to President Joe Biden’s failed leadership. Since President Trump left office, upwards of 6 million illegal immigrants have entered our country (a number greater than the population of most U.S. states), putting a tremendous strain on…

The March for Life emboldens us to take the next steps

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This weekend, tens of thousands joined in a yearly pilgrimage that has now spanned half a century: the March for Life. Ever since an activist Supreme Court ruled on Roe v. Wade and mistakenly read a “right to abortion” into the U.S. Constitution, America’s pro-life…

The Dangers of Political Prosecutions

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As things currently stand, the frontrunner for the Republican presidential nomination and favorite in general election polls is facing indictment under 91 different counts, 44 of which came from his potential opponent’s Department of Justice. President Trump’s other charges likewise come from outspoken Democrat District…

Ben Carson: Most Americans Have Common Sense, but They Don’t Have Courage

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Dr. Ben Carson, Founder of the American Cornerstone Institute, spoke with Alana Mastrangelo at Turning Point USA’s #amfest2023 about the values and principles that of American greatness and the need for a revitalization of them in the country again.

Carson Advises Biden: Look to Successful Past Policies and Address Economic Concerns

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In a recent appearance on Newsmax’s “Newsline,” Dr. Ben Carson, former secretary of Housing and Urban Development under the Trump administration, dispensed advice to President Joe Biden amid falling approval ratings. Carson urged the President to concentrate on effective policies from past administrations, irrespective of…

Ben Carson to Newsmax: Biden Should Learn From History

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Dr. Ben Carson, former secretary of Housing and Urban Development, told Newsmax on Tuesday that President Joe Biden should look at “what worked” in previous administrations to help his polling numbers.