More Perfect Union Project

The Electoral College’s Importance in American Politics
Last week, at a closed-door fundraiser hosted at California Governor Gavin Newsom’s home, Minnesota Governor and vice presidential candidate Tim Walz privately advocated for the elimination of the electoral college and stated the need for a national popular vote. Walz quickly tried to walk…

Prioritizing the Deportation of Dangerous Illegal Aliens via State and Local Law Enforcement
The enforcement of immigration laws is constantly plagued with lack of prioritization and funding. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the federal law enforcement agency tasked with combatting transnational crime and enforcing immigration laws, has been transformed under the Biden Administration to a travel facilitation agency…

The Senate Filibuster: What’s Ahead for this Tradition of Debate?
The filibuster is a parliamentary procedure in the United States Senate that allows for prolonged debate on proposed legislation, in an attempt to delay or prevent a vote on a bill. The term “filibuster” comes from the Dutch word “vrijbuiter,” meaning “pirate” or “freebooter,” which…

(Not So) Temporary Protected Status
Temporary protected status (TPS) is an immigration designation under section 244 of the Immigration and Nationalities Act (INA) that is determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security granting eligible individuals the right to “temporarily” stay in the United States. TPS is approved for countries…

President Biden’s Supreme Court Reform Plan is Unconstitutional
After President Joe Biden unveiled his unconstitutional attacks on the Supreme Court in the form of a “reform plan,” the American Cornerstone Institute is working to spread the word on why each of the three prongs of that plan is blatantly unconstitutional. This Common Sense…

Mandating the use of E-Verify to protect the integrity of America’s workforce
The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 made it unlawful for employers to knowingly hire and employ noncitizens who are not authorized to work in the United States. It also required employers to verify employment eligibility. The onus to verify this legal working status…

Biden’s Supreme Court “Reforms” Violate the Constitution’s Presidential Immunity Requirement
After President Joe Biden unveiled his unconstitutional attacks on the Supreme Court in the form of a “reform plan,” the American Cornerstone Institute is working to spread the word on why each of the three prongs of that plan is blatantly unconstitutional. This…

Using VISA Sanctions to Force Removals of Criminal Aliens to Recalcitrant Countries
Once an illegal alien has moved through the long, arduous deportation process, there still remains one final hurdle after final removal orders are issued. Does their home country take them back? Often, foreign countries refuse to take back their citizens for a whole host of…

The Impact of Proposed Title IX Changes on Women’s Sports
The Biden Administration’s proposed changes to Title IX regulations have faced significant controversy, particularly concerning the participation of transgender athletes in women’s sports. The Title IX rule changes under this Administration can be broken into two parts, the first is a published rule that went…

Immigration and Representation
The Biden administration’s failure to secure the Southern border has become a decisive issue this year, with a majority of Americans seeing the rise of illegal immigration as a critical threat, and rightly so: more than the population of 36 US states. This…

The DNC’s Presidential Candidate Earned Zero Primary Votes
Convention Delegates are usually “background actors” and political “extras” who are there to wear a donkey or elephant hat, wave the flag, and sing along to patriotic songs. In the modern age, the party nominee by the time of the convention is usually a foregone…

What is “standing,” and why is it required for a court to hear a case?
“Standing” is a bedrock principle of constitutional law and an essential element to any case that comes before the court. Standing comes from the “cases and controversies” clause in Article III of the Constitution, and it essentially requires that anyone who brings a case must…

The LGBTQI+ agenda is harming the foster care system
Despite a national shortage in foster care homes, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) recently enacted severely restrictive placement requirements for children who identify as “LGBTQI+.” Under these new ACF Rules, state agencies must…

An Overview of the Supreme Court’s Presidential Immunity Decision
/Trump v. United States Decided July 1, 2024 Question Presented Does a former president enjoy presidential immunity from criminal prosecution for conduct involving official acts during his time in office, and if so, to what extent? Bottom Line Up Front The Supreme Court…

ACI Legal Briefs: City of Grants Pass v. Johnson
Supreme Court Watch Argued April 22, 2024 Question Presented Does a city’s local ordinance banning public camping violate the 8th Amendment’s prohibition on cruel and unusual punishment? Statement of Facts and Procedural History Grants Pass is a city in Southern Oregon with about 38,000 people…

ACI Legal Briefs: Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo
Supreme Court Watch Argued January 17, 2024 Question Presented Should the Supreme Court overrule its previous holding in Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council, which requires deference to agency interpretation in the event of statutory ambiguity? If not, should the Supreme Court clarify that statutory…

Mexico’s Manchurian Candidate? The Future of Trade Relations with our Neighbors to the South
/Claudia Sheinbaum former Mayor of Mexico City and leftwing environmental activist just made history as the first female elected President of Mexico. She cruised into an easy victory with a winning margin of nearly 60% of the vote. Pundits are declaring this a continuation…

The Hidden Costs of EV Ownership
/As we discussed in a previous paper, the Biden administration is making an unprecedented and anti-freedom regulatory push to force consumers to take up a product they just don’t want—electric vehicles (“EVs”). Proponents of EVs often claim that slow adoption results from a lack…

ACI Legal Briefs: United States v. Rahimi
Supreme Court Watch Argued November 7, 2023 Question Presented Does 18 U.S.C. § 922(g)(8), which prohibits the possession of firearms by persons subject to domestic violence restraining orders, facially violate the Second Amendment? Statement of Facts and Procedural History Zackey Rahimi was convicted of possessing…

ACI Legal Briefs: Trump v. United States
/Supreme Court Watch Argued April 25, 2024 Question Presented Does a former president enjoy presidential immunity from criminal prosecution for conduct involving his official acts during his time in office, and if so, to what extent? Statement of Facts and Procedural History In August…

Homelessness before the Supreme Court
/On Monday, the Supreme Court heard arguments about the measures a city can take to prevent homelessness in a pivotal case called City of Grants Pass v. Johnson. Grants Pass is a city in Oregon of about 39,000 people, which banned camping on public property,…

Disparate Impact
This Common Sense Solutions paper will explain the “disparate impact” legal standard to our readers and demonstrate how disparate impact is an invention of the Court that erodes personal freedom, increases regulatory costs, and expands the modern bureaucratic state to root out racism—even where none…

The Biden Administration’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve Strategy Comes with High Risk in and Uncertain World
/In October 1973, the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC) imposed an embargo against the United States in retaliation for its decision to resupply Israel during the fourth of the Arab-Israeli wars. The Yom Kippur War, as it became known, started on October 6,…