Opinion Columns

Black History Month is about more than just Black Americans
| Leave a CommentBlack History Month is upon us. Some will attempt to use it as a tool to push divisive agendas such as critical race theory or Black Lives Matter.

In Arkansas and beyond, conservatives are strengthening our education systems
| Leave a CommentResponding to President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address, Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders (R-AR) observed, “I believe giving every child access to a quality education , regardless of their race or income, is the civil rights issue of our day.” She added her rejection…

Free speech is facing new attacks in California and New Jersey
/ | Leave a CommentFreedom of speech is one of the bedrock values our nation was built upon. The freedom to speak our minds freely and make our voices heard in the public square enables reasoned debate.

Five top priorities for the new Congress
| Leave a CommentThe new GOP -led House of Representatives should focus on the following five priorities. By doing so, members can put our nation back on track to peace, safety, and prosperity for all.

We worked for Dr. Ben Carson. We know Dr. Ben Carson. Canceling him is just not right.
/ | Leave a CommentWe, former staff for Dr. Carson at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, write to set the record straight and celebrate the incredible accomplishments of the good doctor, with the hope that more focus is shined on students and less on perceived political…

Republican Senators are failing to protect religious liberty
| Leave a CommentIn mid-November, 12 Republicans joined every Democrat in the Senate in voting for cloture on the so-called Respect for Marriage Act, which overcomes the filibuster and allows the bill to move forward for finalization.

Asian Americans and the racist lies of the left
| Leave a CommentAmerica today is obsessed with racial victimhood. From the “mostly peaceful” summer of violence to the attempts to change the date of our nation’s founding, America’s all-consuming racial obsession is clear.

Pushing back against the CDC’s new school vaccination guidance
/ | Leave a CommentA CDC advisory council voted unanimously to add the novel COVID-19 mRNA vaccine to the childhood vaccination schedule. The schedule serves as a guideline for states and their schools.

California’s energy meltdown evinces a stunning failure of progressive ideology
| Leave a CommentProgressives’ push for reduced emissions through government mandates and subsidies has collided with reality.

Biden Says Trumpism Is America’s Sickness, But Leftist Cancer Is What’s Really Killing Us
| Leave a CommentWe are beyond the point of sugarcoating or minimizing the profoundly destructive effects of the left on American society.

Texas State Board of Education Should Give TEKS Draft a Failing Grade
| Leave a CommentWhen we see statistics showing that almost half of younger Americans prefer socialism to capitalism, you have to wonder how they became so delusional and unaware of the opportunities and quality of life that the free enterprise system has brought to so many Americans.

America was built on the rule of law but Joe Biden and his team are tearing it apart at the seams
| Leave a CommentOur nation is in a crisis right now. Our most basic and fundamental institutions have completely abandoned the American people.

Congress loses the plot on inflation and infrastructure
/ | Leave a CommentAmericans don’t need President Joe Biden to redefine terms for us. When it comes to a recession, you’ll know it when you feel it. We’re feeling it right now. Food is more expensive, rent is increasing, and paychecks don’t go as far as they used…

Why America needs churches
| Leave a CommentReligious institutions and faith-based organizations are central to the resiliency and strength of communities. From providing comfort in times of turmoil, to support in times of need, to guidance in times of uncertainty, such establishments have long been a pillar of life and society.

The Illegal Crusade Against Ivermectin
| Leave a CommentFor the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic, there were few — if any — recommendations from federal public health authorities for treatments prior to hospitalization. The issue of early treatment is critical in any discipline of medicine, and no less so here. But…

After Supreme Court’s abortion decision conservatives face a new and even greater challenge
| Leave a CommentIn politics, victory is rarely the end of anything; usually it’s just the beginning. Whether an election, passage of a bill, or a court decision, success always presents winners with new and more difficult responsibilities.

The not-so-silent left-wing violence
/ | Leave a CommentThe Left loves to deploy catchy monikers in order to make their half-baked, horrifying, and often flat-out destructive policies seem more appetizing. One of the Left’s most popular coined phrases, “silence is violence,” was made popular during the Black Lives Matter protests and riots last…

CARSON: America’s First Freedom Must Remain a Cornerstone of Our Nation
/ | Leave a CommentFor centuries, religious freedom has been at the heart of the American identity and is commonly known as America’s first freedom. From the image of George Washington kneeling in prayer at Valley Forge, to Abraham Lincoln’s invocation of God at the end of the Emancipation…

Navigating science’s moral future
| Leave a CommentWhen the COVID-19 pandemic began in 2020, researchers announced they had created the first living robot. These so-called “xenobots” are programmable organisms created from the stem cells of African clawed frog embryos — or Xenopus laevis. Just two years later, researchers announced that xenobots were…

Common sense isn’t so common anymore
| Leave a CommentCommon sense is not so common in today’s world — and I bet I’m not the only one who has noticed. In the boardroom, the courtroom, the newsroom, and the classroom, everything has become “my way or the highway.” Our society cares more about amassing…
What ‘equity’ has wrought
| Leave a CommentJust over a year ago, I wrote about the dangers of the left’s seemingly innocuous shift of vernacular from “equality” to “equity.” Instead of pursuing the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s ideal of judging people by the content of their character rather than the color…

Getting to grips with COVID-19’s bat-erfly effect
/ | Leave a CommentYou’ve probably heard of the butterfly effect, the idea that a tornado can be formed by a minor perturbation such as a butterfly flapping its wings a mile away. Every action has a consequence, for better or worse, even something as minor as a butterfly…

Congress Wants To Charge You Billions For Earmarks And Call It A Budget
| Leave a CommentVladamir Putin isn’t the only one seeking to fulfill corrupt ambitions while Joe Biden is asleep at the wheel of his presidency. Congress recently passed another omnibus spending package. It left taxpayers scratching their heads, while D.C. insiders and career politicians laugh their way to…

Dave Chappelle and the quandary of affordable housing
/ | Leave a CommentDave Chappelle is under attack for quashing a plan to develop so-called affordable housing units in his neighborhood. What’s the real story here, and why the anger? As most people know, housing prices, whether rent or mortgage, have been increasing at a rapid pace recently….