Dr. Ben Carson: Moving our focus from equality to equity won’t defeat racism.
| Leave a CommentAs we continue to be bombarded by racially charged narratives, there has been a subtle shift in the conversation: Its focus has moved from equality to equity. That is, instead of pursuing the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s ideal of

Dr. Ben Carson: Leave the political fireworks out of the Fourth of July
/ | Leave a CommentOur nation’s 245th birthday finds America riven by political division. We do not need to consult charts and polls to see that our nation brims over with political resentment and social upheaval. At times, it has been easier to mark

Dr. Ben Carson: Inflation could have US facing ‘generation of slow growth’
| Leave a CommentAmerica’s fiscal house is not in order. The government spends trillions more than it takes in every year. For decades, our politicians have been more concerned with making speeches

Dr. Ben Carson: It’s Time to Send Our Children Back to School
| Leave a CommentWe recently passed the one-year anniversary of “15 days to slow the spread.” We must acknowledge the substantial difficulties that continuous lockdowns during the COVID-19 pandemic

Dr. Ben Carson: The Crisis at the Border Has Vindicated Trump
| Leave a CommentThough President Biden has refused to call it what it is, there is a crisis unfolding on our southern border. The U.S. is facing the biggest migrant surge it’s seen in twenty years. Customs and Border Protection agents

Dr. Ben Carson: Black history is American history
| Leave a CommentEvery February, America celebrates Black History Month. Jackie Robinson documentaries grace the TV, Frederick Douglass photos cover classroom windows, and Martin Luther King Jr. biographies line bookstore displays. These are some of the monumental figures

Dr. Ben Carson: American Cornerstone Is A Much-Needed Endeavor
| Leave a CommentWe have painted our fellow Americans as “deplorable,” “stupid,” and worse. It is this type of malicious, political rhetoric fueled by opportunistic politicians and profit-driven media organizations that has roiled our deeply divided nation. We are better than this