Episode 5: Examining Border Security
/ | Leave a CommentDr. Ben Carson and U.S. House Representative Henry Cuellar (TX) discuss the national emergency at our Southern border and solutions that could improve our border security across-the-board.

Analysis: Concerns Regarding New Government Regulation Proposed By HUD
/ | Leave a CommentThe American Cornerstone Institute (ACI) appreciates Secretary Fudge’s endorsement of Secretary Carson’s determination that President Obama’s ill-informed, expensive, and burdensome 2015 AFFH assessment requirement was unnecessary to achieving the goal of furthering fair housing. We disagree, however, with the incorrect assertion in the interim final…

Insight: Why The Declaration Is Important
/ | Leave a CommentIf the Constitution contains the letter of American law, the Declaration of Independence proclaims its spirit. Lincoln called the Declaration’s assertion of liberty for all an “apple of gold” that was framed by the Constitution’s “picture of silver.” Forged in the crucible of revolution, the…

Analysis: Judge or Legislator?
/ | Leave a CommentLast week, the Supreme Court issued an order related to an eviction moratorium put in place by the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The order was a technical procedural issue, and was issued amidst a…

Insight: Why Life Is Important
/ | Leave a CommentWhen a man and woman join to create a new life together, science tells us what to expect: Medicine tells us when their unborn baby develops a heartbeat, brainwaves, and nervous system. Biology tells us that their baby is one of a kind, receiving DNA…
Episode 4: Fair & Affordable Housing Today
/ | Leave a CommentDr. Ben Carson, Rob Astorino, former County Executive of Westchester County, New York, and Eric Blankenstein of ACI discuss housing policy in the United States.

Insight: Why Community Is Important
/ | Leave a CommentAmerican culture famously celebrates individual liberty and the achievements of the “self-made” man. At its best, this celebration can teach future generations to explore their potential, take personal responsibility for their lives, and strive for self-sufficiency. These are all undeniably good things that we should…

Analysis: The Budgetary Process
/ | Leave a CommentThe federal government’s budgetary process is complex. In this analysis, a former CFO of a federal government agency breaks down the process and explaining how the federal government is funded. Download PDF

Insight: Why Faith Is Important
/ | Leave a CommentWhen our Founding Fathers set out to create a new nation, they were all too familiar with the past centuries of sectarian religious wars suffered by the people of Europe. Even some of the American colonies had established official state religions, and different congregations often…

Insight: Why Liberty Is Important
/ | Leave a CommentJust a couple of decades ago, the famous rights of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” described in the Declaration of Independence were almost universally understood to be good things, the bedrock principles upon which our entire country was founded. In recent years, however,…

Analysis: Empowering Law Enforcement Act of 2021
/ | Leave a CommentSenator Tuberville, along with Senators Thom Tillis, and Mike Rounds, introduced the Empowering Law Enforcement Act of 2021 which grants state and local law enforcement the authority to enforce immigration laws. This bill would amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to… Download PDF
Episode 3: Immigration Law Explained
/ | Leave a CommentFormer Department of Homeland Secretary Chad Wolf sits down with Dr. Ben Carson and Evelyn Lim of the American Cornerstone Institute to discuss our nation’s immigration laws.
Episode 2: Voting Rules & Election Integrity
/ | Leave a CommentThe Heritage Foundation’s Hans A. von Spakovsky, Dr. Ben Carson and Eric Blankenstein of the American Cornerstone Institute discuss election laws and issues around election integrity in the United States.
Episode 1: COVID’s Impact on Education
/ | Leave a CommentDr. Ben Carson and Dr. Lindsey Burke of the Heritage Foundation discuss the impact of COVID-19 on children and our country’s education system with Evelyn Lim of the American Cornerstone Institute.