We worked for Dr. Ben Carson. We know Dr. Ben Carson. Canceling him is just not right.

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We, former staff for Dr. Carson at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, write to set the record straight and celebrate the incredible accomplishments of the good doctor, with the hope that more focus is shined on students and less on perceived political…

Illegal Immigration and our Southern Border

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After four years of stability on our southern border due to the Trump Administration’s America first policies, the illegal immigration crisis is back with a vengeance—and it’s all Joe Biden’s doing. Since President Biden took office, about 5 million illegal immigrants have crossed our…

Republican Senators are failing to protect religious liberty

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In mid-November, 12 Republicans joined every Democrat in the Senate in voting for cloture on the so-called Respect for Marriage Act, which overcomes the filibuster and allows the bill to move forward for finalization.


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There is no federal law that mandates how—and more importantly when—state and local officials are required to tabulate results after an election. Therefore, each state has separate processes and procedures on how this is done, which creates a problematic patchwork of different rules and regulations…

Asian Americans and the racist lies of the left

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America today is obsessed with racial victimhood. From the “mostly peaceful” summer of violence to the attempts to change the date of our nation’s founding, America’s all-consuming racial obsession is clear.

Pushing back against the CDC’s new school vaccination guidance

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A CDC advisory council voted unanimously to add the novel COVID-19 mRNA vaccine to the childhood vaccination schedule. The schedule serves as a guideline for states and their schools.

Why is there a surge in violent crime across America?

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Crime has become the new pandemic. Sweeping across America seemingly unstoppable, random and unprovoked attacks with no rhyme or reason are stoking fear amongst the masses.  Major cities across America are reporting a 50% increase in homicides since 2019, and a 36% increase…

California’s energy meltdown evinces a stunning failure of progressive ideology

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Progressives’ push for reduced emissions through government mandates and subsidies has collided with reality.

Biden Says Trumpism Is America’s Sickness, But Leftist Cancer Is What’s Really Killing Us

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We are beyond the point of sugarcoating or minimizing the profoundly destructive effects of the left on American society.

Texas State Board of Education Should Give TEKS Draft a Failing Grade

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When we see statistics showing that almost half of younger Americans prefer socialism to capitalism, you have to wonder how they became so delusional and unaware of the opportunities and quality of life that the free enterprise system has brought to so many Americans.

America was built on the rule of law but Joe Biden and his team are tearing it apart at the seams

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Our nation is in a crisis right now. Our most basic and fundamental institutions have completely abandoned the American people.

Congress loses the plot on inflation and infrastructure

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Americans don’t need President Joe Biden to redefine terms for us. When it comes to a recession, you’ll know it when you feel it. We’re feeling it right now. Food is more expensive, rent is increasing, and paychecks don’t go as far as they used…

Why America needs churches

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Religious institutions and faith-based organizations are central to the resiliency and strength of communities. From providing comfort in times of turmoil, to support in times of need, to guidance in times of uncertainty, such establishments have long been a pillar of life and society.